Google Classroom
Please log in to your child's Google Classroom account to access all of their home learning and to see other news from the class.
Home Learning
Reading: Daily reading of Home Reading books, common exception words and a ‘reading for pleasure’ book (can be read by, with or to the children).
Handwriting practice: Using the letter formation guide in Home Learning Books, practise writing high frequency words and/or common exception words (perhaps 3-5 words at a time). Write these focus words into sentences (age appropriate). Children could also choose a poem to write up in their best handwriting and illustrate.
Counting: Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s (forwards and backwards) from 0 for Y1 and Y2;
Number Sense practice: number bonds to 10, 20 and 100; one more and less, 10 more and less; 100 more and 100 less.
Book reviews after the reading of a book - this could be extended to profile one or more of the main characters or even to draw a 'plot graph' showing the high and low points in the story.
Useful Websites to Support Learning At Home
www.sumdog.com : This website is a great way for children to practise maths skills while playing fun, maths-related games against classmates. The games are individualised for each child’s ability, so users play against opponents with the same skills.
https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/: Bug Club is an online reading program which has levelled interactive e-books. Children will be allocated books which they can access at home.